© John Bennett, Warwick, England 2020-2021
This is the website of the Bennett
family, based in Warwick, England
I’m John Bennett, a self-taught product design
engineer and occasional inventor. My work takes me
into various areas including electronics and PCB
design, along with firmware and software; sometimes
a bit of materials science or chemistry.
I can get bored easily, but enjoy working in this area
as it also takes me into a number of other interesting
fields such as user interface design, biometrics and
environmental measurement. I also need to know
manufacturing processes and international
compliance regulations. You could say that I have a
one man vertically integrated business.
I sell my products to end users, and generally don’t get
involved in consultancy design. I’ve specialised in
automation systems and cash handling. Tens of
thousands of my devices are in the field, handling
large amounts of money.
I’ve originated ideas for industrial motor control,
telecoms and smart card systems which are used by
blue chip companies across the UK, including retail
giants. Many small engineering workshops depend on
my design of three-phase converters.
My wife, Marisa, and I have five children who work
happily together in our manufacturing business
making high-tech electronics for various market
I love my work, but as for all of my family, it’s a means
to an end. That means doing the more important
things in life.
We have six grandchildren who are very loving.
The photo at the head of the page is of our family
holiday in the French Alps to celebrate our 40th
wedding anniversary in 2012.
“As an engineer, I like to look
for answers that are based on
measurable factors.”
The evolution / creation debate has been
going on for a long time.
I was brought up to be religious, but my
love of science gives me a strong tendency
to question things, including science itself.
As an engineer, I like to look for answers
that are based on measurable factors.
I’ve spent very many hours in research
with many documents. The answers I
found were fascinating, so I put together
something like a discussion document for
Some equipment above my desk.
We engineers like to measure things :)